Basic Feature Identification

Basic Hydrology with Trevor and Nathan

8 min ·  Theory Course


In this lesson, Trevor and Nathan will be breaking down 4 core features that most boaters will encounter on the river. These features are common to all rivers and understanding what these features look like is critical to being successful as we discuss river navigation. We will be looking at the following features in detail:

  • Downstream “V”s

  • Eddies

  • Holes

  • Waves

Correctly identifying and mastering these 4 fundamental features will allow you to have a better eye for what you are seeing in the river as you are reading water. These features may or may not constitute hazards on the water. We will be covering specific hazard features in another video, but if you are a newer boater it is important to be able to correct discuss what is happening in the water. Downstream V’s are often times a good sign of where the majority of water is flowing. Eddies provide an opportunity to stop for a moment and provide a good opportunity for safety points, be it for your raft or for swimmers. Holes can be a hazardous feature, but smaller holes can also offer you the opportunity to practice surfing. Waves are important features, because they can both hide other features, but also might present an opportunity for some great fun for your crew. All of these features are part of the flow based feature spectrum and can represent the same point on the river, but at different flows.

What you’ll need

  • Some time on the river

  • A river or some footage to review

We'll be working on

  • Identifying 4 basic river features

  • Understanding how each feature works in the water

  • Discussing some elements to look for in each feature

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